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Appnext Logo

App Discovery at scale through integrated consumer journeys

  • Appnext Icon One On-device app discovery solutions that blend into the users’ mobile experience enabling a personal, incomparably intuitive experience
  • Appnext Icon Two Personal and contextual app recommendations whereby highly-intent users can discover apps intuitively
  • Appnext Icon Three Out of the Box Experience (OOBE): a seamless onboarding experience that successfully navigates a user’s first experience with their device
  • Appnext Icon Four Appnext ‘Timeline’- Our patented AI technology that displays contextual and personal app recommendations within a myriad of apps
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Jampp Logo

The Programmatic Platform to Grow Your App Business

  • Jam Icon One Full-funnel user acquisition to forecast LTV and in-app event conversions
  • Jam Icon Two Drive incremental growth with global scale
  • Jam Icon Three High-impact creatives with proprietary Dynamic Creative Optimization
  • Jam Icon Four Predictive Machine Learning that optimizes both behavioral and contextual data signals
Explore Jampp
Maas Logo

Unified Audience Platform for Mobile User Growth

  • Maas Ic One Single unified access of channels across directly integrated publishers, programmatic platforms and app recommendations
  • Maas Ic Two Unify your audiences on a single dashboard for greater transparency
  • Maas Ic Three Access consolidated supply sources to drive scale and get actionable insights across channels
  • Maas Ic Four Diversified technology, creative and KPI-based optimization, and precision targeting
Explore Maas
Revx Logo

Made for Growth, Built for App Marketers

  • Revx Ic One 100% programmatic and fraud-less environment
  • Revx Ic Two Find the right users where they are based on contextual data
  • Revx Ic Three Advanced DS models to target LAT inventory efficiently to drive maximum performance
  • Revx Ic Four Creative sophistication in ad campaigns to bring those users to you.
Explore RevX
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