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The Comprehensive Advertising Playbook for Olympics Success

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Appnext Logo

App Discovery Powered by Technology at Scale

  • Appnext Icon One On-device app discovery solutions that blend into the users’ mobile experience enabling a personal, incomparably intuitive experience
  • Appnext Icon Two Personal and contextual app recommendations whereby high-intent users can discover apps intuitively
  • Appnext Icon Three Out of the Box Experience (OOBE): a seamless onboarding experience that successfully navigates a user’s first experience with their device
  • Appnext Icon Four Appnext ‘Timeline’- Our patented AI technology that displays contextual and personal app recommendations within a myriad of apps
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Actionable Consumer Intelligence to Turbo-Charge Your Campaigns

  • MDMP Ic One Organize and enrich campaigns with your own data
  • MDMP Ic Two Behavior and data-based decisioning
  • MDMP Ic Three Structured data sets driving prediction
  • MDMP Ic Four Power-packed recommendation algorithms
Mediasmart Logo

Self Serve Programmatic Platform for Incremental Growth

  • Mediasmart One Integrated mobile-first advertising platform to efficiently reach the target audiences
  • Mediasmart Three Transparency, control and advanced insights to generate real value
  • Mediasmart Two High-impact measurable CTV advertising with Household Sync technology
  • Mediasmart Four Omnichannel audience management and proximity marketing with incrementality measurement
Explore Mediasmart
Great Place To Work Great Place To Work

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