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Embracing ESG

We initiated proactive adoption of ESG principles in 2021 and formally disclose our sustainability efforts in our Integrated Annual Reports. We shall continue to examine our broader role towards holistic upliftment of society at large while ensuring we remain one of the most trusted partners of choice to power the connected ecosystem for advertisers globally. We remain focused upon maintaining best-in-class corporate governance practices with highest levels of business integrity and transparency at play.


Our ESG Profile

We have outlined and benchmarked our sustainability initiatives as per Global ESG standards across multiple Frameworks.

ESG Core Focus Areas

Stewardship And Active Ownership>

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Affle ESG Framework

To keep increasing Affle’s positive impact towards a better tomorrow, we formalized our Business Responsibility Reporting Committee into the ESG Committee on August 7, 2021. The primary role of the ESG Committee will be to integrate sustainability considerations across our business processes, corporate decisions and strategic goals.


Our Alignment with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) :


The UN SDGs provide a blueprint for businesses to contribute to a better future and lead towards sustainable progress of the nation and the planet. Out of the 17 SDGs, we have identified 10 SDGs which are relevant to our business and the ones which we can support through our operations.

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Affle ESG Rating

We achieved an ESG score of 531 and stood amongst the top 12 IT & Tech Companies in India, rating assigned in November 2021 by ESGRisk.ai, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Acuité Ratings & Research Limited.

Refer our Integrated Annual Report 2022-23 to know in detail about our sustainability performance demonstrated through the six capitals of the Integrated Reporting framework, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core Option and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

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